Control Satement:Initial ideas:4.0
Control Satement:Initial ideas
Programming means logic. And our logic is used to tell the computer to Control Statements.
As we have seen before, all of them have just taken some data inputs or have some data output. But I did not compare any logical. We have to compare many logical comparisons to those programs that we need to write. For example, if we see the smallest or the largest number of flow charts in 3 numbers, then you can see there are yes or no stops in some places. And those types of steps say logical step. Logical steps are published in the program by using this control statement.
The control statements include:
If-else statement
While Statement
Do-while statement
For statement etc
You can find out more about the control statements by clicking on the links above or sidebar.
Knowing these, we are going to enter the real world of programming. As easily as possible with the control statements, the logic can make the code, he can do better in programming.
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