How is the computer origin? What could be the future generation of computers?
How is the computer origin? What could be the future generation of computers?
Computer History:
How many changes are happening in the evolution of time? How many disciplines are going on in the name of a human being?
Discovery of a device created by human hands has changed our life. Which is a difficult subject to follow in the present era. That's the computer.
Yes this is the computer that has changed the way of our life.
Today the computer will write history from its birth to the present era.
What is a computer Its name originates:
The term computer has been created from the term compute. It is said that the computing computer (man or machine) is the computer. During the period 1375 to 1425, the word 'compute' was derived. The ancient meaning of these words is calculated, measuring, counting and thinking etc. As such, the person who or she can be called Computer, who works on national level, calculation, calculation, measurement and measurement. One time computers were meant to mean people. Later, calculators or calculators became increasingly familiar with computers. However, currently we understand a digital device that can be processed by computers.
The computer is called "programmable digital electronic device", in other words, A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions. Computer has been defined in the copyright law of Bangladesh, "In the sense of a mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, magnetic, electromagnetic, digital or optical or other method using logical or mathematical process, It means. That's why the computer is not just counting, measuring, or calculating. Computer work now works on all types of work or work.
The brief history of the computer:
Ancient computation: Abacus is considered as the first device in computer history. That means starting the history of Abacus computer. Abacase was arranged in a frame, changing the number of grits to the calculator However, when Abacus is discovered correctly it can not be said. Many think of the creation of the Babylonian civilization. In the East 450/500, Egypt and China are considered to have been made as Abacus instrument in the country.
As a sign of tradition, they continue to circulate a few thousand years old Abacus machines. Abacus may be able to meet the needs of the ancient society, but in the medieval period, more advanced instruments are needed for counting. It depends on the needs and needs of life so much so that the need for automatic equipment is seen. In view of the goal of making calculations easier, Scottish mathematician John Napier discovered the algorithm system in 1614. This method is also called Napier Bone. Using this approach, the German outreach of Germany discovered the round slide rule. This method is also called the Napier Bone. Using this approach, the William Outreach of Germany invented the round slide rule. It was 1622. The following year, another German named Ullium Shikder created a machine for driving wheel or gear to multiply numerical poisonous numbers. A French man named Blaise Pascal, 1642, computed this mechanical counting machine. This device was named Pascalen. Next, a modern programming language on computer has been named Pascal.
Early computer: In 1671, after a Pascal, a German mathematician Gottafried Von Leibniz created more advanced mechanical computing based on Zen.
With this machine, it could be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and produced. He first invented the method of multiplication by adding the first repetition. About one hundred years after the device named Stepo Reckorner, Johann Hellfick Mueller presented the concept of a counting machine in 1786. In 1801, Joseph Mary Zacad of France started using Panchkkad. Professor Charles Babbage, in 1801, tried to create automated calculation tools for the current computer system. He announced the name of his proposed device 'Analytical Engine'. Charles Badge was one of the leading mathematicians of his time. In 1828, he received Lucasium Professor's honor at the University of Cambridge in Newton, Newton. Some of the rugged moods spent most of his life in the city, trying to create incredible instruments for that time. He thought of an instrument, that the input of the device will be provided with the punched card. Input holder will have memorabilia, mathematical part or mill for processing and automatic output printing system. For the management of processing, there will be periodical program control system. Contemporary scientists used to ridicule his thinking as "the foolishness of the computer." In fact Charles thought the thought of hundreds of years in advance. That is, after the hundred years of Charles Badge's thought, the computer reached the level that he thought of computers a hundred years ago. In 1833, the concept of its planned 'analytical engine' was considered as a form of modern computing.
Charles Banks is also known as the father of the computer. Charles Banks helped him with the design of a planned analytical engine, and another famous mathematician of that time, Lord Byron, the daughter of the famous English poet, Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace. He was referred to as the world's first computer program. In 1980, for the sake of his honor, the United States Department of Defense gave the name of a modern computer programming language, Ada, to Charles Balzez's power. The government help provided in that time can not be completed on time, it can also be closed at one time. But according to Charles Babe's father, an analytical engine was created. After the death of Charles Badge in 1871, until the end of 1937, almost a quarter-century computer development process stops. During this time, data processing was done with punched cards. It may be mentioned that among the instruments that are present in this period, there is a compositor of the US Dore Fent in 1885, William Barros's Adding and Listing Machine, which was introduced in 1988.
Elektro mechanical era:
In 1885 the data processing process in America was done with the help of Columns, Pencils and Bullas. But at the time the process of data processing was growing rapidly. The results of the data processing in the hand-to-hand are almost misconstrued and there is a lot more to do during the work. For example, by the end of the Census of 1880 in America, it started till the beginning of the census work of about 1890. But luckily, at the same time, the quality and efficient electron mechanical puncakard instrument is created for the preparation of data. To solve the census problem of america, Bureau of Census Bureau, Statistician Dr. Harmon Hollerith designed the design of an instrument called 'census machine' on the basis of the conceptualized concept of the machine in 1887. In the experimental operation, it takes time for processing of data by Dr Halleyith's census machine only one-fifth of the previous comparison. As a result, the census work of 1890 was completed with the help of Halithith's sensor machine. From 1880 to 1890 In this decade, the US grew from 5 million to 60 million 30 million. With the help of Halith's machine it was possible to complete the census work of 1890 in less than three years. Dr. Halithith created the company for commercially manufactured and selling its invented instrument of 1896. Later, the company was formed in collaboration with its company, International Business Machine or IBM (IBM = International Business Maching). The punchcard was designed to protect the child by using signals made with square holes. Then the cards were entered electro-mechanical devices. This completes the processing of data of Pancardd. But it was necessary to shift the punchcard tray, enter the machine, get out of the machine, launch a machine, stop what was done, etc. After the computer machine was invented, all these jobs were created automatically.
Electronic Era:
The idea of electronic computer was first started by physics and mathematics professor. John Vincent Atanasoff (Dr. Jonh Vincent Atanasoff). There was no suitable machine for his calculation. So he planned to make advanced computing instruments himself and made electronic computer between 1937-38. According to him and his associates, the name of the machine was named Atanasoff-Berry Computer, in short, ABC computer used the first storage and vacuum tube for mathematical / rational work. This model was done at the Military School's Code Guider School, about 40 miles away from London City. ABC Computer was created only to assess mathematical equations or to solve problems. Dr. Altansaf and Berry show them the instruments made by John W. Mauchly in 1940-1941. John Moversley was then working in Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. John Moussley then started thinking of creating a versatile computer and in the early 40s his student J. Start work with the help of J. Presper Eckert. In 1937, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Harvard University, Howard G. Aicken, took the initiative to create automated calculations. With the combination of electrical and mechanical methods of Halithith's Pancarded technology, he took the plan to create his own automated device. With the help of IBM company engineers, he was able to make his machine by 1944. The device is known as the Mark-1 digital computer. The internal work of the counting machine was controlled by the electromagnetic relay. Part of performing mathematical work was mechanical (machanical). Mark-1 was the electro mechanical computer on the basis of the structure. Characteristics of many things corresponded with the plans of Charles Banks.
Computer Generation Category:
The computer started with the start of the computer. The computer has reached the current stage by developing it in the face of time. Each phase of development is marked as a generation. The generation division can not be drawn to the correct date of the day. The middle of the transition from one position to another is called the Transition Period. The computer that is currently used in the microprocessor is the fourth-generation computer. In the past, the computer has moved on to the current generation after more three generations of computers are behind.
First generation (1946-59):
The first generation of computers is the era of machines manufactured using vacuum tubes. This generation had various vulnerabilities and limitations on computers. Yet these devices have made the basis of the new horizons of the next generation. The need for timely strategy of military forces is to assist in the development of first-generation computer technology. In the Second World War, the British Army adopted a project named ULTRA for the interpretation of the German cipher. A computer named Colosus was first created in 1943 under the scheme of British recognition in 1974 by the British. Anaik was completed in 1946. Computer created for multicultural work From this, the Aanak computer is the first complete or successful electronic computer. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) is a complete description of Aineac. 18,000 vacuum tubes were used on the Aineak computer. It was installed at a place of 20x40 feet. The machine weighed 30 tons. This anneak computer could have added 5000 yards and 300x seconds. In that period, Ainique could have worked more than 300 times higher than Mark-1 and other calculating instruments. However, there was no arrangement for holding executable signals or handling instructions inside the Ainecom computer, with the help of plug boards and switches placed outside the operating system or executing signals and execution. Since 1955, the use of the anaerial computational work is done for the army. In the mid-1940s, renowned mathematician John Von Neumanm mentioned in an article that the binary number can be used for computer number 3 and the data and execution signage can be arranged within the machine. This idea was first used in ATansaf's ABC computer. He published this in a written form. Edvac (EDVAC = Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) computer is created in the case of the concept of its reserved reserved program. The advantage of the stored program is that it does not have to adjust its number of wire and switches at the beginning of the new program every time and use it for execution and control. Like the data, the storage area could be entered in the computer memory or in the form of the delivery instruction program. Between 1946-52, the Moor School of Engineering scientists created Advance Computer. Another computer was created in the United States on the basis of the preserved program in the United Kingdom. The computer started using the first program in May 1949. The computer, known as EDSAC = Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, could work in 1500 microseconds. A group of scientists led by Professor Maurice Wilkes (Prof. Mauric Wilkes), at the Cambridge University Mathematical Laboratory, created adaxac computers. Indeed computers are considered to be the first reserved electronic computer program. The reason for the delay in the creation of Advance Computer was Presper Eckert and John Mousley formed their own company in 1946 and started a computer called UNIVAC = Universal Automatic Computer. In 1951, the first UNIVAC-1 computer was created and installed in the census bureau. The computer uses the Census Bureau for about 12 years. Univake was the first digital computer. After installing Univac-1, the Census Bureau ignored the Pentecond equipment of IBM. At this stage, IBM founder Thomas Watson, the founder of the company, is preparing to get into the computer business world. He created IBM 701 in 1952 and IBM 650 computer commercial basis in 1953.
IBM has sold over 650 thousand quantities. Commercially the creation and sale of digital computers started significantly from this point of time. Between 1954 and 1959, many business people purchased computers for data processing. These computers were made for use in various fields of science. Users of the outside world of science considered computers as a business accounting tool. The first commercial program was developed for some work to create a wage bill considering their needs. The first generation of computers that started from Ainak, used to spend vacuum tubes for electricity. And the task of writing machine language programs was also difficult. Expert person was not able to compose the program in machine language. The life span of vacuum tubes was transient. The tubes were damaged and they had to be replaced. The main features of the first-generation computer are-
A. Use vacuum tube
B. Provide input-output with punched cards
C. High sound was going on while running
D There was a strong heat
E. Use signals in program writing
Because of the use of numerous diodes and triods, valves, registers, capacitors, etc., the first generation of computers were of great size and due to the power of excess power the computer system would have been very hot. In some cases, water was used to keep the heating machines cold. In order to overcome these problems, the second generation of computers started in 1959.
Second generation computer (1959-65):
Second-generation computers were much faster than the first-generation computers, much more work-efficient and smaller in size. The transformation and progress of second-generation computers is the use of transistor instead of vacuum tube. The use of transistor would reduce the size of the second generation computer. John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain transistors were developed in the American Bell Laboratories in 1947. The use of vacuum tubes is very low when electricity costs, parts do not get hot, work time increases. Modular design is used on second-generation computers and the main part of the circuit is placed on different boards. From second generation computers, the program has been written and used in high level languages. The use of magnetic cores started from this generation computer. This time the popular computer was used as Hanoyoil-200, IBM-14001600 IBM 14011620, CDP 1604 RCA 301 and 501, NCR-300 etc.
The main features of second-generation computers are:
A. The use of the transistor
B. Use magnetic core memory
C. Formation, development and extensive use of programming languages such as forteron / cobbler etc.
D Equipment become smaller.
E. Less heated
F. Increase the speed of the work
G. To gain confidence and reliance.
Third Generation Computer (1965-71):
A new type of circuitry while the second-generation computing is on
T tried to innovate. In the year 1955, the construction of such circuits started with the establishment of Integrated Circuit, on a small silicon sheet, with several transistors and other materials. The circuit work was started in the Semiconductor Company, founded by William Sockley. At this time, Robert Noyce and several other firms formed themselves as a new company named Fairchild Semiconductors. Robert Naisei and his other collaborator Jack Kilby earned the credit for creating the first Integrated Circuit. Many of Fairchild's people later formed many more companies. The third-generation computer is made using integrated circuits. As a result, the size of the computer becomes much smaller, the price decreases and the ability to work multiplied. Some additional opportunities are added to the third-generation computer. Notably, the use of line printers to get output in printed form. In 1946, IBM launched the third-generation computer with its mainframe computer system / 360 Declaration. Instruction Set had built-in third-generation computer processor. Many of these guidelines were particularly useful for the processing of scientific work. Therefore, third-generation computers were equally useful for both types of work. Significant other computers of this generation were IBM 360 and 370 and PDP-8 and 11 and GE-600 etc. Computers manufactured and used between 1964 and 1070 are considered to be third generation.
The traits of third-generation computers are:
A. Use of IC or Integrated Circuits
B. Use of semiconductor memory
C. Use of high level language
D Use of Video Display Unit (VDU) and Line Printer for Output
Fourth-generation computer (1971-present):
The process of constructing integrated circuits by installing electronic materials on the small silicon pots has been increasing every year since 1965. This process is made at a time of microprocessor chip, for the operation of computers, logical process management and all circuits required to handle regulatory actions are executed. The introduction of microprocessors used on computers is through the introduction of semiconductor memory chips for calculators. The main designers of this chip were Frederico Fagin and Tod Huff of Intel, and Massachuset Sima of Bushikam. At the time Intel was the manager of this invention team, Leslie El Vaderger. The first chip of Intel was known as 4000. However, 4004 processors come first in the market. The address in this program was 12 bits. It was ready with 2300 transistors. Within a year, it used 3300 transistors. The 4004 chip was marketed on 15 November 1971. The fourth edition of this chip was launched with the 8080's revolutionary computer revolution. It is said that Intel's 4004 chip had the same capacity as the Ayanak computer of 1946. The weight of the anaik was 27 tons, and 680 square feet was needed for it. But 4040 could be kept in the taluka. Originally, the possibility of creating the fourth generation of computers from the microprocessor becomes brighter. Intel created 8080 microprocessors in 1974. In 1975, the computer was started with the first computer in Alterera. By 1976, the generation of successful computer companies of Apple and several computer companies, including the fourth-generation computers, quickly spread.
The fourth-generation micro-computer is small enough to work on the table to be smaller. The prices also fall short of unthinkable. Compared to third-generation computers, the size of the fourth generation and the decrease in the price of computers, as well as increased working power and speed, multiplied. Using a variety of programs with the help of fourth-generation computers, almost every kind of work can be done by our daily needs. Fourth generation micro-computers have made it possible for ordinary people to use computers and create opportunities for taking computer knowledge and skills as a profession. Fourth generation computer features are:
A. Extensive use and development and development of VERY LargeCalse Integression or VLSI Chips
B. The advent, development and global expansion of microprocessor and microcomputer
C. The arrangement for the construction of a miniature portable instrument
D Multimedia enabled operating system development, reliable, expansive, multimedia, multiprocessing integrated service provider
E. Object Oriented Programming and Customizing Software
F. Extensive expansion of the range of data storage and collaboration instruments
G. Use of multipurpose input / output devices
J. The advent of multiprocessor system
Fifth generation computer (future):
The fifth computer has the ability to work with artificial intelligence. Research is on for the addition of Artificial Intelligence on computer. For this reason, success has been achieved very limited in this regard. Computer scientists are hopeful that the success of the fifth generation of computers will be able to apply artificial intelligence after achieving full success. The ability to identify the voice of the people will be one of the features of the fifth-generation computer. The fifth generation of computers will be able to work on the people's voice. And the fifth generation does not wait for the speed of the computer's work, the capacity of the memory to rise, which will rise surprisingly. Actually it is difficult to guess precisely how a computer will be the fifth generation. However, in the early 21st century, the possible features of this type of computer are:
A. Thousands of microprocessors of high-speed accelerated use
B. The use of a multi-processor microprocessor of new-generation new-size high processing power
C. Natural Language Programming
D Extreme development of artificial intelligence and robotic technology
E. Deletion of input and output device limitations
F. Voice recognition and computing in all languages of the world
G. Acquire huge capacity to cross, process and hold all types of information including dynamic / interactive multimedia.
J. Extensive expansion of the range of data storage and collaboration instruments
Yes. Multipurpose Input / Output Machine
J. Working together a lot or using a multiprocessing and multitasking system
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Computer History:
How many changes are happening in the evolution of time? How many disciplines are going on in the name of a human being?
Discovery of a device created by human hands has changed our life. Which is a difficult subject to follow in the present era. That's the computer.
Yes this is the computer that has changed the way of our life.
Today the computer will write history from its birth to the present era.
What is a computer Its name originates:
The term computer has been created from the term compute. It is said that the computing computer (man or machine) is the computer. During the period 1375 to 1425, the word 'compute' was derived. The ancient meaning of these words is calculated, measuring, counting and thinking etc. As such, the person who or she can be called Computer, who works on national level, calculation, calculation, measurement and measurement. One time computers were meant to mean people. Later, calculators or calculators became increasingly familiar with computers. However, currently we understand a digital device that can be processed by computers.
The computer is called "programmable digital electronic device", in other words, A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions. Computer has been defined in the copyright law of Bangladesh, "In the sense of a mechanical, electromechanical, electronic, magnetic, electromagnetic, digital or optical or other method using logical or mathematical process, It means. That's why the computer is not just counting, measuring, or calculating. Computer work now works on all types of work or work.
The brief history of the computer:
Ancient computation: Abacus is considered as the first device in computer history. That means starting the history of Abacus computer. Abacase was arranged in a frame, changing the number of grits to the calculator However, when Abacus is discovered correctly it can not be said. Many think of the creation of the Babylonian civilization. In the East 450/500, Egypt and China are considered to have been made as Abacus instrument in the country.
As a sign of tradition, they continue to circulate a few thousand years old Abacus machines. Abacus may be able to meet the needs of the ancient society, but in the medieval period, more advanced instruments are needed for counting. It depends on the needs and needs of life so much so that the need for automatic equipment is seen. In view of the goal of making calculations easier, Scottish mathematician John Napier discovered the algorithm system in 1614. This method is also called Napier Bone. Using this approach, the German outreach of Germany discovered the round slide rule. This method is also called the Napier Bone. Using this approach, the William Outreach of Germany invented the round slide rule. It was 1622. The following year, another German named Ullium Shikder created a machine for driving wheel or gear to multiply numerical poisonous numbers. A French man named Blaise Pascal, 1642, computed this mechanical counting machine. This device was named Pascalen. Next, a modern programming language on computer has been named Pascal.
Early computer: In 1671, after a Pascal, a German mathematician Gottafried Von Leibniz created more advanced mechanical computing based on Zen.
With this machine, it could be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and produced. He first invented the method of multiplication by adding the first repetition. About one hundred years after the device named Stepo Reckorner, Johann Hellfick Mueller presented the concept of a counting machine in 1786. In 1801, Joseph Mary Zacad of France started using Panchkkad. Professor Charles Babbage, in 1801, tried to create automated calculation tools for the current computer system. He announced the name of his proposed device 'Analytical Engine'. Charles Badge was one of the leading mathematicians of his time. In 1828, he received Lucasium Professor's honor at the University of Cambridge in Newton, Newton. Some of the rugged moods spent most of his life in the city, trying to create incredible instruments for that time. He thought of an instrument, that the input of the device will be provided with the punched card. Input holder will have memorabilia, mathematical part or mill for processing and automatic output printing system. For the management of processing, there will be periodical program control system. Contemporary scientists used to ridicule his thinking as "the foolishness of the computer." In fact Charles thought the thought of hundreds of years in advance. That is, after the hundred years of Charles Badge's thought, the computer reached the level that he thought of computers a hundred years ago. In 1833, the concept of its planned 'analytical engine' was considered as a form of modern computing.
Charles Banks is also known as the father of the computer. Charles Banks helped him with the design of a planned analytical engine, and another famous mathematician of that time, Lord Byron, the daughter of the famous English poet, Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace. He was referred to as the world's first computer program. In 1980, for the sake of his honor, the United States Department of Defense gave the name of a modern computer programming language, Ada, to Charles Balzez's power. The government help provided in that time can not be completed on time, it can also be closed at one time. But according to Charles Babe's father, an analytical engine was created. After the death of Charles Badge in 1871, until the end of 1937, almost a quarter-century computer development process stops. During this time, data processing was done with punched cards. It may be mentioned that among the instruments that are present in this period, there is a compositor of the US Dore Fent in 1885, William Barros's Adding and Listing Machine, which was introduced in 1988.
Elektro mechanical era:
In 1885 the data processing process in America was done with the help of Columns, Pencils and Bullas. But at the time the process of data processing was growing rapidly. The results of the data processing in the hand-to-hand are almost misconstrued and there is a lot more to do during the work. For example, by the end of the Census of 1880 in America, it started till the beginning of the census work of about 1890. But luckily, at the same time, the quality and efficient electron mechanical puncakard instrument is created for the preparation of data. To solve the census problem of america, Bureau of Census Bureau, Statistician Dr. Harmon Hollerith designed the design of an instrument called 'census machine' on the basis of the conceptualized concept of the machine in 1887. In the experimental operation, it takes time for processing of data by Dr Halleyith's census machine only one-fifth of the previous comparison. As a result, the census work of 1890 was completed with the help of Halithith's sensor machine. From 1880 to 1890 In this decade, the US grew from 5 million to 60 million 30 million. With the help of Halith's machine it was possible to complete the census work of 1890 in less than three years. Dr. Halithith created the company for commercially manufactured and selling its invented instrument of 1896. Later, the company was formed in collaboration with its company, International Business Machine or IBM (IBM = International Business Maching). The punchcard was designed to protect the child by using signals made with square holes. Then the cards were entered electro-mechanical devices. This completes the processing of data of Pancardd. But it was necessary to shift the punchcard tray, enter the machine, get out of the machine, launch a machine, stop what was done, etc. After the computer machine was invented, all these jobs were created automatically.
Electronic Era:
The idea of electronic computer was first started by physics and mathematics professor. John Vincent Atanasoff (Dr. Jonh Vincent Atanasoff). There was no suitable machine for his calculation. So he planned to make advanced computing instruments himself and made electronic computer between 1937-38. According to him and his associates, the name of the machine was named Atanasoff-Berry Computer, in short, ABC computer used the first storage and vacuum tube for mathematical / rational work. This model was done at the Military School's Code Guider School, about 40 miles away from London City. ABC Computer was created only to assess mathematical equations or to solve problems. Dr. Altansaf and Berry show them the instruments made by John W. Mauchly in 1940-1941. John Moversley was then working in Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. John Moussley then started thinking of creating a versatile computer and in the early 40s his student J. Start work with the help of J. Presper Eckert. In 1937, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Harvard University, Howard G. Aicken, took the initiative to create automated calculations. With the combination of electrical and mechanical methods of Halithith's Pancarded technology, he took the plan to create his own automated device. With the help of IBM company engineers, he was able to make his machine by 1944. The device is known as the Mark-1 digital computer. The internal work of the counting machine was controlled by the electromagnetic relay. Part of performing mathematical work was mechanical (machanical). Mark-1 was the electro mechanical computer on the basis of the structure. Characteristics of many things corresponded with the plans of Charles Banks.
Computer Generation Category:
The computer started with the start of the computer. The computer has reached the current stage by developing it in the face of time. Each phase of development is marked as a generation. The generation division can not be drawn to the correct date of the day. The middle of the transition from one position to another is called the Transition Period. The computer that is currently used in the microprocessor is the fourth-generation computer. In the past, the computer has moved on to the current generation after more three generations of computers are behind.
First generation (1946-59):
The first generation of computers is the era of machines manufactured using vacuum tubes. This generation had various vulnerabilities and limitations on computers. Yet these devices have made the basis of the new horizons of the next generation. The need for timely strategy of military forces is to assist in the development of first-generation computer technology. In the Second World War, the British Army adopted a project named ULTRA for the interpretation of the German cipher. A computer named Colosus was first created in 1943 under the scheme of British recognition in 1974 by the British. Anaik was completed in 1946. Computer created for multicultural work From this, the Aanak computer is the first complete or successful electronic computer. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) is a complete description of Aineac. 18,000 vacuum tubes were used on the Aineak computer. It was installed at a place of 20x40 feet. The machine weighed 30 tons. This anneak computer could have added 5000 yards and 300x seconds. In that period, Ainique could have worked more than 300 times higher than Mark-1 and other calculating instruments. However, there was no arrangement for holding executable signals or handling instructions inside the Ainecom computer, with the help of plug boards and switches placed outside the operating system or executing signals and execution. Since 1955, the use of the anaerial computational work is done for the army. In the mid-1940s, renowned mathematician John Von Neumanm mentioned in an article that the binary number can be used for computer number 3 and the data and execution signage can be arranged within the machine. This idea was first used in ATansaf's ABC computer. He published this in a written form. Edvac (EDVAC = Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) computer is created in the case of the concept of its reserved reserved program. The advantage of the stored program is that it does not have to adjust its number of wire and switches at the beginning of the new program every time and use it for execution and control. Like the data, the storage area could be entered in the computer memory or in the form of the delivery instruction program. Between 1946-52, the Moor School of Engineering scientists created Advance Computer. Another computer was created in the United States on the basis of the preserved program in the United Kingdom. The computer started using the first program in May 1949. The computer, known as EDSAC = Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, could work in 1500 microseconds. A group of scientists led by Professor Maurice Wilkes (Prof. Mauric Wilkes), at the Cambridge University Mathematical Laboratory, created adaxac computers. Indeed computers are considered to be the first reserved electronic computer program. The reason for the delay in the creation of Advance Computer was Presper Eckert and John Mousley formed their own company in 1946 and started a computer called UNIVAC = Universal Automatic Computer. In 1951, the first UNIVAC-1 computer was created and installed in the census bureau. The computer uses the Census Bureau for about 12 years. Univake was the first digital computer. After installing Univac-1, the Census Bureau ignored the Pentecond equipment of IBM. At this stage, IBM founder Thomas Watson, the founder of the company, is preparing to get into the computer business world. He created IBM 701 in 1952 and IBM 650 computer commercial basis in 1953.
IBM has sold over 650 thousand quantities. Commercially the creation and sale of digital computers started significantly from this point of time. Between 1954 and 1959, many business people purchased computers for data processing. These computers were made for use in various fields of science. Users of the outside world of science considered computers as a business accounting tool. The first commercial program was developed for some work to create a wage bill considering their needs. The first generation of computers that started from Ainak, used to spend vacuum tubes for electricity. And the task of writing machine language programs was also difficult. Expert person was not able to compose the program in machine language. The life span of vacuum tubes was transient. The tubes were damaged and they had to be replaced. The main features of the first-generation computer are-
A. Use vacuum tube
B. Provide input-output with punched cards
C. High sound was going on while running
D There was a strong heat
E. Use signals in program writing
Because of the use of numerous diodes and triods, valves, registers, capacitors, etc., the first generation of computers were of great size and due to the power of excess power the computer system would have been very hot. In some cases, water was used to keep the heating machines cold. In order to overcome these problems, the second generation of computers started in 1959.
Second generation computer (1959-65):
Second-generation computers were much faster than the first-generation computers, much more work-efficient and smaller in size. The transformation and progress of second-generation computers is the use of transistor instead of vacuum tube. The use of transistor would reduce the size of the second generation computer. John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain transistors were developed in the American Bell Laboratories in 1947. The use of vacuum tubes is very low when electricity costs, parts do not get hot, work time increases. Modular design is used on second-generation computers and the main part of the circuit is placed on different boards. From second generation computers, the program has been written and used in high level languages. The use of magnetic cores started from this generation computer. This time the popular computer was used as Hanoyoil-200, IBM-14001600 IBM 14011620, CDP 1604 RCA 301 and 501, NCR-300 etc.
The main features of second-generation computers are:
A. The use of the transistor
B. Use magnetic core memory
C. Formation, development and extensive use of programming languages such as forteron / cobbler etc.
D Equipment become smaller.
E. Less heated
F. Increase the speed of the work
G. To gain confidence and reliance.
Third Generation Computer (1965-71):
A new type of circuitry while the second-generation computing is on
T tried to innovate. In the year 1955, the construction of such circuits started with the establishment of Integrated Circuit, on a small silicon sheet, with several transistors and other materials. The circuit work was started in the Semiconductor Company, founded by William Sockley. At this time, Robert Noyce and several other firms formed themselves as a new company named Fairchild Semiconductors. Robert Naisei and his other collaborator Jack Kilby earned the credit for creating the first Integrated Circuit. Many of Fairchild's people later formed many more companies. The third-generation computer is made using integrated circuits. As a result, the size of the computer becomes much smaller, the price decreases and the ability to work multiplied. Some additional opportunities are added to the third-generation computer. Notably, the use of line printers to get output in printed form. In 1946, IBM launched the third-generation computer with its mainframe computer system / 360 Declaration. Instruction Set had built-in third-generation computer processor. Many of these guidelines were particularly useful for the processing of scientific work. Therefore, third-generation computers were equally useful for both types of work. Significant other computers of this generation were IBM 360 and 370 and PDP-8 and 11 and GE-600 etc. Computers manufactured and used between 1964 and 1070 are considered to be third generation.
The traits of third-generation computers are:
A. Use of IC or Integrated Circuits
B. Use of semiconductor memory
C. Use of high level language
D Use of Video Display Unit (VDU) and Line Printer for Output
Fourth-generation computer (1971-present):
The process of constructing integrated circuits by installing electronic materials on the small silicon pots has been increasing every year since 1965. This process is made at a time of microprocessor chip, for the operation of computers, logical process management and all circuits required to handle regulatory actions are executed. The introduction of microprocessors used on computers is through the introduction of semiconductor memory chips for calculators. The main designers of this chip were Frederico Fagin and Tod Huff of Intel, and Massachuset Sima of Bushikam. At the time Intel was the manager of this invention team, Leslie El Vaderger. The first chip of Intel was known as 4000. However, 4004 processors come first in the market. The address in this program was 12 bits. It was ready with 2300 transistors. Within a year, it used 3300 transistors. The 4004 chip was marketed on 15 November 1971. The fourth edition of this chip was launched with the 8080's revolutionary computer revolution. It is said that Intel's 4004 chip had the same capacity as the Ayanak computer of 1946. The weight of the anaik was 27 tons, and 680 square feet was needed for it. But 4040 could be kept in the taluka. Originally, the possibility of creating the fourth generation of computers from the microprocessor becomes brighter. Intel created 8080 microprocessors in 1974. In 1975, the computer was started with the first computer in Alterera. By 1976, the generation of successful computer companies of Apple and several computer companies, including the fourth-generation computers, quickly spread.
The fourth-generation micro-computer is small enough to work on the table to be smaller. The prices also fall short of unthinkable. Compared to third-generation computers, the size of the fourth generation and the decrease in the price of computers, as well as increased working power and speed, multiplied. Using a variety of programs with the help of fourth-generation computers, almost every kind of work can be done by our daily needs. Fourth generation micro-computers have made it possible for ordinary people to use computers and create opportunities for taking computer knowledge and skills as a profession. Fourth generation computer features are:
A. Extensive use and development and development of VERY LargeCalse Integression or VLSI Chips
B. The advent, development and global expansion of microprocessor and microcomputer
C. The arrangement for the construction of a miniature portable instrument
D Multimedia enabled operating system development, reliable, expansive, multimedia, multiprocessing integrated service provider
E. Object Oriented Programming and Customizing Software
F. Extensive expansion of the range of data storage and collaboration instruments
G. Use of multipurpose input / output devices
J. The advent of multiprocessor system
Fifth generation computer (future):
The fifth computer has the ability to work with artificial intelligence. Research is on for the addition of Artificial Intelligence on computer. For this reason, success has been achieved very limited in this regard. Computer scientists are hopeful that the success of the fifth generation of computers will be able to apply artificial intelligence after achieving full success. The ability to identify the voice of the people will be one of the features of the fifth-generation computer. The fifth generation of computers will be able to work on the people's voice. And the fifth generation does not wait for the speed of the computer's work, the capacity of the memory to rise, which will rise surprisingly. Actually it is difficult to guess precisely how a computer will be the fifth generation. However, in the early 21st century, the possible features of this type of computer are:
A. Thousands of microprocessors of high-speed accelerated use
B. The use of a multi-processor microprocessor of new-generation new-size high processing power
C. Natural Language Programming
D Extreme development of artificial intelligence and robotic technology
E. Deletion of input and output device limitations
F. Voice recognition and computing in all languages of the world
G. Acquire huge capacity to cross, process and hold all types of information including dynamic / interactive multimedia.
J. Extensive expansion of the range of data storage and collaboration instruments
Yes. Multipurpose Input / Output Machine
J. Working together a lot or using a multiprocessing and multitasking system
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