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More instructions for beginners

More instructions for beginners

This article is designed to be more easily discussed on web design and development. If you are a brand new one, read this post before starting anything else.

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** Though literally meaning is different, web design and development are in violation of its literal meaning. If you say that I am a web designer then you know the work of development. The meaning of the word is web developer = that programmer, coding, Creates applications. Web Designer = Designing, Creating the kind of external appearance of the site, Coding does not work.

Every web developer should know the following

How does www work:

5.Server scripting language
6.Creating database with SQL & etc.

WWW - World Wide Web:
WWW is a computer network that is spread all over the world. The WWW is called Web.Computers on this web site communicate with each other using some rules and languages.The W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium) is making these languages ​​and rules.

HTML-Web language:
HTML is the web language, every web developer needs to know its basic issues.

"Markup tags" are used in HTML for making web page layouts and content.

By hitting HTML tags <h1> it is a header, and <p> refers to a paragraphp.

CSS - CashCadding Style Sheet:
It can be used to show how the HTML page shows.When you save the CSS code separately, just edit this document and change the entire HTML page of your own. If this work was done on the HTML page, it would have been more time consuming and writing code on every page.

Javascript - Client Side Scripting:
JavaScript is used for client side scripting (browser scripting). It can add dynamic content to the page.
To see a Javascript statement: document.write ("<p>" + date + "</ p>")

XML - Extensible Markup Language:
It is not meant to be used instead of HTML, but it is used to carry and store data.

Server side scripting:
Server side scripting is for the "programming" web server.To make a complete dynamic document, you need to know this: Server-side scripting lets you pick up data from the database and show the HTML page (this is one of many things).

Creating database with SQL:
Access to any database with Structured Query Language (SQL) such as MySQL, Oracle etc.It's an engine that can exchange information with the database database on the web.

What is Joomla, WordPress, Drupal?

All of these are usually made by CMS (with PHP MySQL). You just edit yourself like this. Even if you do not know any programming language, you can create a dynamic site with these, but the programming language knows that its code You can not edit as beautiful as you can.

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