Best LinkedIn Tricks 2021
LinkedIn is a professional platform - from varsity professors to businessmen, lawyers, doctors, researchers, politicians, all types of professionals are on this platform.
What is the difference between social media and LinkedIn?
You have to post your professional, academic excellence, and achievement on LinkedIn. Suppose you have won a competition, published a research paper, completed an online course, attended a conference, performed well in a semester, etc. This type of achievement is perfect for LinkedIn. Adding someone to Facebook is called sending a friend request and connecting to LinkedIn is called connecting.
What are the benefits of using LinkedIn?
Firstly, LinkedIn is the focal point for professional news and updates for all professionals. All North American professors regularly share their research updates, funding news, conference attendance news, masters and Ph.D. student vacancy notices on LinkedIn. For this reason, following them in LinkedIn is very helpful for later application in graduate school.
Secondly, if you follow Bangladeshi scholars who are currently studying for scholarships in different countries on LinkedIn, you will get a detailed idea about their study, research area, and what kind of profile you want to have if you want to study at that varsity with funding. This will give you an idea of the current status of your profile and how to get funding in the future.
Thirdly, varsities and institutions outside the country offer notices of various internship opportunities, scholarship news, international exchange programs, etc. on LinkedIn.
Fourthly, news related to any international competition of law school, business school can be found on LinkedIn. You will also find new international job circulars here, such as those who want to work in Microsoft, Google, etc. will be able to see their job circulars. By looking at the international job description, you will understand what profile people are looking for in the industry, they will be able to build themselves accordingly.
Fifthly, the professors in the professional network, the office managers and the researchers with whom you have done research can give you a recommendation on LinkedIn which will show on your profile. Its role is immense. And they can also endorse your skills, which means that confirming that you are actually skilled is called endorsing in LinkedIn. When applying to the graduate school, you will give a hyperlink in the CV and when you email the professor, you will have a linked-in profile link below your email signature. In this way, if the professor visits your profile and sees the recommendation and skill endorsement of a reputed researcher, it will give you a positive impression.
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