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Ping or latency is an important post for every gamer and internet users.

Ping or latency is an important post for every gamer and internet users.

What is ping? Which is more important to you. Low Ping Rate or High Speed ​​Bandwidth Rate? (Important article for every gamer and internet user)
Your ISP or broadband company sells the internet to you every kilobyte or megabit speed in every second. There is an important term other than KBPs or MBPS in any Internet connection, which is Ping or latency. Actually "ping" is a measurement standard, which helps you to measure how much time it takes you to connect to your server from the client's desktop (laptop, desktop, tablet, mobile) to the internet server. You can also call Ping only for a command line, which is on every major operating system. For example, you can test "ping" by opening the command prompt in Windows PC.

Why do not you go to the internet- download a file, make online gaming, read articles from trickby, every click on your browser, you have to face with Ping. The fastest way to connect with a web server is to reduce the importance of low ping rate, but it does not matter which KBPS or MBPS connection you are using, but once connected to the server, packets (images, text, codes) from the server will be faster. KBPs or MBPS has the role to reach the platform. So, let's try to climb important data from today's issue.

Where is the ping used?

"Ping" means that when connecting between two computers, it does not measure how many times each packet receives from one computer to another computer. If you do not know about packets, you can read the article on how the Internet works. You may have noticed that when you click on a website to open it, it does not load well but it takes a while to click on another page once the website is open, and this is the latency.

Let's take an example to clean up the matter, think you used a tube in the face of a water pump, to water your garden plant. When you start the pump, you will not begin to read with the other end of the water tube, first the tube will be filled with water and then start watering for another day. So the delayed water coming from the mouth of the pump to the other end of the tube was the latency. And this line of connecting between the two computers is used to measure the pings. Many people think "ping" and lettensis the same, actually the two things are the same, but they are not the same. "Ping" is a measure of measurement of latency and "latency" is the time between connecting between server and client.

How important is ping rate?

I have already mentioned that ping is the most important to connect with a server or to a web site. Think, your office's internet speed is 20 Mbps, but the connection rate of PG-200 is 200 ms (millisecond). Suppose your home internet speed is 10 Mbps but this connection's ping-rate of 20ms, which is the best? It is not possible to give the right answer to this question, depending on the ping-rate or bandwidth speed. It will depend on what you are doing with the Internet connection. If you are gaming online, then there is a lot of low ping-rate importance here, but it does not have to be just bandwidth speed. If your ping-rate is much higher, then it will be too late to reach your input game server in the game. As a result, you will be shot in an action game, but before that someone shot you, you may have shot at the right time, but your command is delayed to reach the server - because your latency or ping-rate is much more. And for this, in the online games or multiplayer games, the screen shows ping-rate or latency.

On the other hand, if you are a typical Internet user, that means Internet is used to streamline Internet browsing, downloading, and video but you will need more bandwidth speed than the ping-rate. Your ping may be too late for every page, although load will not be late, but when you download a file or play YouTube video, bandwidth speed will be the most important thing. Connecting to packets at a higher ping-rate may take some time, but once connected, bandwidth speed will work to reach your computer quickly. But here's a matter of fact, you have opened a lot of pages in the browser together, and some pages are refreshed in the background. But to do this, your computer is working with multiple incoming and outgoing traffic, but if there is more latency then just like You can not browse the web. There is more importance in ping-rate here.

Why is ping-rate less?

A lot of things depend on different ISPs or different server ping-rates or response time or latency. If the server is too far away from the web server you are trying to receive, then the ping-rate can increase. If the fiber optic cable, such as the connection between servers and your computer, is bad, then the ping-rate can increase. If your broadband connection has a ping-rate of 1 MS, then you can connect to any server with 1 MS ping-rate, but not so. If the server has a higher ping-rate or the server is too far away, then you also get 1 ms ping-rate.

Is Zero Ping-Rate Possible?

Zero ping-rate is never possible to answer one word. According to physics, it takes some time to come from anywhere, from anywhere to computer packets, from computer to computer. No matter how close your server is, even if your home server or a computer in your local area network pings, it will take 1 to 2 milliseconds to respond.

Even if you use the advanced fiber optic cable, the data packet will not come faster than the speed of light. However, when pinging your own ping using the ping localhost command on your own computer, the ping-rate shows Zero. But it is not too rude, it is not true, but it takes some time for computer software to process your command, even though it is very little, but it can not be zero.

So it can be said, zero-ping-rate is not possible in any way, in a scientific way, or theoretically. But there is no doubt that in future we can reduce network latency and create better and suitable internet.


So this was the post today, I know maybe a few tents were of nature, yet I could successfully convincing. From now on, you surely know that you need more bandwidth speed, or need less ping-rate.
If there is a problem to understand something then tell me in the comments section.

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